Monday, August 3, 2009

The scarf to match the hat

Here's the scarf I've been working on. Beautiful, right? Enjoy it now, I'm going to frog it tonight. I don’t know how I JUST noticed this, but…
alt text

It’s not symmetrical… it kinda makes me die a little. There’s two columns of stitches on the right hand side because I was going for a 2x2 rib look, but that just didn’t work out on the left.

Do I frog, remove those two stitches from the pattern and start over?
Or do I just continue with making it and leave the pattern the way it is?
Or do I finish the scarf and just change the pattern and hope no one notices?

Coupon Day

Yesterday was the first day of the 40% coupons that I had for Michaels. Naturally, I went because I had 3. I spent an hour picking out yarn, a few minutes picking out accessories, and another hour picking out a book.

I then decided that $4 yarn (two more of the yummy, yummy purple) was a waste of a coupon, so I just wanted the book and the $7 row counter (but I still bought the yarn). This is when I found out that Michaels doesn't accept coupons for books. Down to one coupon-worthy item and two balls of yarn, I angrily paid and left. Bookless.

Oh well.

I'm still trying to find the perfect pattern for the shawl that I'm looking to make for my friend Andie for xmas, and I'm still hunting for the perfect yarn for mom's hat/scarf/mittens for xmas, and that hunt doesn't seem as though it's going to end any time soon.

In other, wonderful news, mom wants to start knitting again. Yay!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

mmm... picturesss

Be still my heart... That's mom's head, btw. Doesn't she have great hair?

In related/unrelated news, I'm designing my first pattern. How is this related? It's going to MATCH.

I'll post it here and on Ravelry. For all of the no one that reads this.

And, in true knitter's fashion, here's the hat in a bush.

And hung from a tree.

Because for the first time this summer, the neighbors were actually outside, and I was hanging a hat from a tree and laying it artfully from a bush. That takes skills.